I never thought I would be here.  If you know me well, you can agree I’d be the last person to even consider direct consultant sales.  First off, I have a full time business I own, that keeps me both satisfied and busy.  Like you, I’ve been hit up on Facebook by acquaintances I haven’t […]



Why I took the plunge to join the Beautycounter movement

I never thought I would be here.  If you know me well, you can agree I’d be the last person to even consider direct consultant sales.  First off, I have a full time business I own, that keeps me both satisfied and busy.  Like you, I’ve been hit up on Facebook by acquaintances I haven’t […]



Why I took the plunge to join the Beautycounter movement

Like many of you, I began my teenage years with a shiny forehead, zits of varying shapes and sizes and redness all over.  I wasn’t exactly getting asked out on a ton of dates, and during these formative years it left me feeling quite insecure and hiding behind makeup. I knew I wasn’t alone (show […]



How Beautycounter became a life changing experience for me

Like many of you, I began my teenage years with a shiny forehead, zits of varying shapes and sizes and redness all over.  I wasn’t exactly getting asked out on a ton of dates, and during these formative years it left me feeling quite insecure and hiding behind makeup. I knew I wasn’t alone (show […]



How Beautycounter became a life changing experience for me