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Free Art Print Downloads: Mantras During the Coronavirus Pandemic

This is temporary mantra download

A lot has changed in the past week, for every single one of us.

As someone who suffers from generalized anxiety, I can go to irrational extremes alone in my thoughts. Adding in a dose of social isolation, and that I’m very, very pregnant right now… it’s a lot. I’m facing a lot of unknowns and fear in my personal body space as my labor is nearing, and also along with you all on a global level with all of this. It’s hard to keep sane and level headed.

What I have to remind myself is that this is TEMPORARY. It is. We don’t know for how long, but this isn’t life as we know it forever. There is an end in sight. This too shall pass. (A huge thanks for the reminders and constant help to my partner, who helps talk me off the ledge. I’d be lost without him.)

Like many of you parents, I’m stuck at home with my daughter who has her school closed. We’ve created a daily routine to add some sense of normalcy – which includes a story hour (she has always loved books, so this is easy for us). Simple advice from one of our favorite books, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” every time they reach a physical obstacle:

“We can’t go over it.

We can’t go under it.

Oh no!

We’ve got to go through it!”

We're going on a bear hunt book

We have to go through it

My friends…. we have no other option but to go THROUGH it. That’s it. That’s the reminder to tell ourselves. But it is temporary.

I’ve created these FREE downloads that you can print out as mantras and affirmations if you need them. They are serving me as good reminders to get me through the day and maybe they will for you too. Print them out, place them on your mirror, your fridge, send them to friends, or do what you need with them. Access them below (three calligraphy mantras, in color and grayscale – print yourself as you please).

These can also be helpful in times of grief, hardship, pregnancy/motherhood and uncertain times.

Free Mantra Downloads Here


This too shall pass mantra

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  1. Meredith says:

    thank you SO much! peace and health be with you and yours xoxo