Guys, early bird registration for the Stationer’s Summit is almost a month away! I’m bursting at the seams and low key jealous of those just embarking on your stationery business and get access to this… because nothing like this existed when I was starting out, and – oh my – this would have saved me to much time, energy and money.
The stationery industry can be so overwhelming and it can be daunting to figure out how to get from point A to point B. You see something beautiful on Instagram and think “I can make that…. but how?” You already have the charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent (yup, quoting the great Ru Paul was needed) but not the means to produce a substantial business. Your resources have finally arrived in the Stationer’s Summit!

WHAT YOU’LL GET: Lifetime access to 18 different courses, taught by 18 different industry leaders. These niched-down topics are for stationers, by stationers – who have all been in your shoes and know what you’re looking for. You’ll become equipped with strategies so you can become a confident stationery biz powerhouse with a rock-solid foundation.
WHERE: From your desk, couch, hotel, backyard, bedroom… anywhere! This is an ONLINE virtual summit, meaning no travel or outfit planning involved. Access the courses anytime of day, at your own pace.
WHAT DOES IT COST? Limited early bird registration begins August 26 and the cost is $297. That comes out to a shocking $16.50 per course with, with insane information covered, and for lifetime access. Price increases $100 during the second week of registration, September 16. Do note – registration windows will only be open for a week, so you’ll want to jump on it before you miss your chance.
WHY ARE YOU TELLING US ABOUT THIS? Obviously because I’m over the moon about all this valuable content. But I’ll also be completely honest with you (and this is super important) – I don’t make any money for putting hours of love and effort my course unless you register through me (Taryn of Twinkle & Toast!) so when you sign up, it would be incredible if you do so through me. Use this link here to register or sign up for my email list.
WHAT CLASSES CAN WE EXPECT? Let’s breakdown all these fabulous educators and topics covered!
TARYN SUTHERLAND GROSS OF TWINKLE & TOAST teaching There is No One-Stop-Shop: Working with Multiple Paper & Printing Resources @twinkleandtoast
BRITT ROHR OF SWELL PRESS teaching Understanding Letterpress Costs & Preparing a Letterpress File @swellpress
NAT OTÁLORA OF PAPEL & CO. teaching An Intentional Approach to Stationery, Clients, and Positivity in Your Business @papelnco
JESSICA HINTON OF EMPRESS STATIONERY teaching How to Develop a Semi-Custom Stationery Collection @empressstationery
HOLLY GOODMAN OF SABLEWOOD PAPER CO. teaching Stationery on the “Move” – How to Network and Redefine Your Audience @sablewoodpaperco
JESSICA PEDDICORD OF SIMPLY JESSICA MARIE teaching Licensing Your Artwork to Other Stationers: Pricing & Process @simplyjessicamarie
LANEY SCHENK OF DESIGN BY LANEY teaching Making the Transition from Calligrapher to Stationer @designbylaney
CIARRA ROWHURST OF CIARRA CLAIRE FINE ART teaching Marketing Basics for Booking Dream Stationery Clients @ciarraclaire
CAMI MONET OF CAMI MONET teaching Creating a “One and Done” Lookbook & Sketch for Your Client @camimonet
VICTORIA ROTHWELL OF DESIGN HOUSE OF MOIRA teaching A No-BS Approach to Client Revisions & Proofs @designhouseofmoira
ELISABETH YOUNG OF ELISAANNE CALLIGRAPHY teaching Sourcing & Pricing Vintage Postage for Clients @elisaannecalligraphy
ALEX BRAY OF PRAIRIE LETTER SHOP teaching Best Practices for Calligraphy Envelope Addressing @prairielettershop
JESS MCSWEENEY OF JESSICA MCSWEENEY CALLIGRAPHY teaching National Stationery Show for the First Timer @jess.mcsweeney
KATHRYN JOACHIM OF CREME BRANDS teaching Utilizing Fonts in Your Designs @cremebrands
LAURA JOSEPH OF PAPER & HONEY teaching Making a Meaningful Impact with Wedding Stationery: How to Tell Your Client’s Story @paperandhoney
SHASTA BELL OF SHASTA BELL CALLIGRAPHY teaching What You Need to Know About Handmade Paper @shastabellcalligraphy
CARLEY ZUERCHER OF CZ INVITATIONS teaching Pinterest for Stationers @carleyzuercher
CAMI & ELISABETH OF BIZ BIRTHDAY BASH teaching An Honest Conversation About Pricing @bizbirthdaybash

Whew! That’s a lot of incredible material! I honestly can’t wait. Don’t forget to mark your calendars:
Early Bird Registration: August 26-30 | $297
Official Registration: September 16-20 | $397
Content goes live September 16th.
Don’t forget to drop my name, and can’t wait to (virtually) see you there!